
I can’t tell if I liked it or not. One day I said that it has been my most difficult month, but I’m sure that’s not entirely true.

I entered July full of anticipation. I made a change that I had been feeling like I was supposed to do for a few months. I finally did it. I said things like, “I’m excited to see what is going to happen” and “I expect great things”.

My car broke down in the first week. On the highway on a very hot day. I had to safely navigate my girls across a narrow bridge with cars whizzing by. Fixing it was a fiasco, or at least it felt like one. It took 2 1/2 weeks. During this time I was planning a Shannon Curtis concert up at J Wrigley Vineyard here in Sheridan. It would’ve been great to have my own car running. I also have therapy for the kids in both McMinnville and Salem every week.

Days before Dusty turned 13 I came down with a high fever and was down for the count for a long time. I’m still sick, it’s been about 2 1/2 weeks. Turns out I have pneumonia.

On one day when my fever was raging and I was in and out of sleep on one couch, Dusty was on the other couch trying to argue about a non-existent issue.

I was encouraged to go to the doctor. So I did. It overdrew my account and told me what I already knew. Then I couldn’t afford the prescription.

Had a difficult conversation with the kids’ dad. It was confusing.

But here’s some of what God did in all of this.
(I’m sure I don’t see all of what He’s done.)

  • Friends gave me about $145 to fix my car. I still owe a little more, but my mechanic won’t tell me how much.
  • Friends paid for my prescriptions, took us to dinner, and paid for my gas back home.
  • Other friends gave me money to cover my doctor appointment plus a little extra.
  • My friend finished up Dusty’s birthday food shopping for me. He also brought me soup, nyquil, and apples (leaving them on the porch so as to avoid the sickie). Also lent me $20 to pick my kids up from camp.
  • Another friend made me soup, her sister brought it over and made me yummy tea. Days later she came over just to hang out with me because I was bored, but too weak to go anywhere. Oh, and she missed me.
  • The confusing conversation was over a refund check for over $400 for both Kelly and I. We’d both have to sign. He refused. I called the insurance agency. Turns out they were able to take the check back and are working it out so that only I have to sign for it. So, I get the entire amount instead of half for the kids’ school clothes and supplies.
  • The Shannon Curtis concert was a complete hit. It was a proud moment for sure!
  • I made it to group therapy in Salem both weeks thanks to the bus system and my good friend who also goes.
  • Sage was at boyscout camp the first week I was sick. He was home a day and a half before he and Ireland left for Royal Family Kids Camp. The timing was God’s grace. Sage would’ve had a hard time with me being so sick.
  • A word about RFKC. I cry every year when I pick up my kids. Christopher and Dusty first went 6 years ago. It’s a camp for kids of foster care. These people are well trained to keep my kids safe. There is one counselor to 2 kids. Every year they receive pillows, Bibles, shoes, and handmade quilts. This year Ireland came home with a picture of a family who committed to pray for her the entire week she was at camp. I am so blessed by each person who helps this camp. They are helping create life changing memories for so many hurting kids. Sage just completed his last year there.
  • One one of the days Sage was home he was invited to go roller skating with a friend. He loved it!
  • Christopher stayed home more just to be with me because I was so sick.
  • He and I had some great conversations about growing up and not having a good dad to teach him how to be a man. I think I’m only really beginning to understand the impact on him.
  • Dusty spent time with someone as her helper. The mama has 3 little boys. I had to tell her about RAD and how she can help. That is always scary to open up that part of our lives, but I can only let my kids be around people who can come on board.
  • Dusty spent the night with one of my friends that was so on board with the things I was telling her about RAD and how she can help in Dusty’s healing and bonding with only me as her mom. It’s hard stuff and not everyone can take it. I’m ok with that.
  • On the day Dusty tried to argue I just so happened to be reading a book by Danny Silk called, “Loving Your Kids On Purpose“. It had a list of short phrases to respond to a child trying to argue. I’ve seen those in my therapeutic parenting books, too. Then it came time for her to do dishes. She refused. So, Ireland and I did them, but Dusty had to pay us to do her job. She paid us with the ice cream she had bought earlier.
  • All my bills were paid for the month. Nobody starved to death.
  • I learned to depend on my friends and let them serve me.
  • I learned that I felt useless this month and I hated that. Usually, I’m the one feeding people and helping them along in their walk.
  • I won a free tune up for my computer with  Primsys Computers in McMinnville. My silly PC was having issues so hopefully it’ll be good as new soon.
  • The first couple of days of being sick I was able to read 2 entire books in between sleeping. Then because I coughed all night for several nights I was able to watch some interesting movies on Netflix. I can barely remember them now, though.
  • I was given a new-to-me washer. It leaks when it’s draining on the spin cycle, but I think that can be an easy fix. It’s much better than my other one, that’s for sure.
  • There have been lots of sunny days to dry my clothes on the line. I love that.
  • My dishwasher got fixed this month.
  • A friend from church gave us a working lawn mower.
  • My tomatoes are growing wild and tall. My basil and peppers are not.

I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around this month. It felt so different. I felt off kilter and discouraged. Yet, I look back and see how Jehovah Jireh provided. I’m not surprised. He always does. I see it over and over again in our lives.

I feel blessed and favored.